Somali Musuem
Somali Written Language – 50 years on
Somali Written Language – 50 years on
50% off exhibitions

Somali Written Language – 50 years on

15 August – 31 October 2020

Introducing Musse Xaji ibrahiim Galaal
Introducing Musse Xaji ibrahiim Galaal
50% off exhibitions

Introducing Musse Xaji ibrahiim Galaal

15 August – 31 October 2020

Living with Somali Art
Living with Somali Art
51% off exhibitions

Living with Somali Art

15 August – 31 October 2020

Saint Joseph the making of a saint
Saint Joseph the making of a saint
50% off exhibitions

Saint Joseph the making of a saint

15 August – 31 October 2020

Slavic culture and kingdom Exhibition
Slavic culture and kingdom Exhibition
50% off exhibitions

Slavic culture and kingdom Exhibition

15 August – 31 October 2020

Gentileschi talk with Artemisia
Gentileschi talk with Artemisia
50% off exhibitions

Gentileschi talk with Artemisia

15 August – 31 October 2020

Thomas Becket murder and the making of a saint
Thomas Becket murder and the making of a saint
50% off exhibitions

Thomas Becket murder and the making of a saint

15 August – 31 October 2020

Arctic culture and climate Exhibition
Arctic culture and climate Exhibition
50% off exhibitions

Arctic culture and climate Exhibition

15 August – 31 October 2020

Artemisia Gentileschi talk with Maria
Artemisia Gentileschi talk with Maria
50% off exhibitions

Artemisia Gentileschi talk with Maria

11 August – 31 October 2020